1984 and Julia: Re-writing books and history

Article here. Check back in 300 (or fewer) years. Shakespeare will have been a lesbian and nothing attributable to him (her) will be recognizable by a contemporary scholar. Excerpt:

'Julia also belongs to the recent tradition of feminist retellings—in this case, of a work often criticized for its treatment of women. Newman herself has told the Telegraph that she once “absolutely idolized” Orwell but later came to see his fiction, and especially Nineteen Eighty-four, as steeped in “hatred of women [that] is really extreme.” That’s debatable: Some argue that Orwell’s feminist critics wrongly conflate protagonist Winston Smith’s hostility toward women (explicitly acknowledged in the book and clearly shown to be rooted in totalitarianism’s monstrous warping of human relations) with Orwell’s own attitude.

One could point out that Winston’s vision of humanity unwarped by the Party and its ideology is connected primarily to women—his own vanished mother, the “prole” woman singing as she does her laundry—and that his betrayal of Julia marks the point of no return in his own dehumanization and surrender.

In Nineteen Eighty-four, the Party seeks to tightly control sexuality by limiting acceptable sex to married, strictly procreative intercourse in which the wife is not expected to take any pleasure and branding everything else “sexcrime”; young adult Party zealots, women especially, are recruited into the “Junior Anti-Sex League,” which advocates total celibacy and procreation through “artsem,” or artificial insemination. Julia plausibly reveals that this anti-sex ideology coexists with the pervasive sexual exploitation of young women, including League members, by senior Party men; “artsem” is, more often than not, a hasty alibi for a pregnancy resulting from these liaisons. A particularly memorable segment of the novel early on, before the start of Julia’s relationship with Winston, chronicles a scandalous incident at the dorm she shares with other young Party women. Fixing a blocked toilet, Julia discovers that the cause of the blockage is an aborted fetus someone has attempted to flush down; the culprit turns out to be Vicky, the young and naïve “baby” of the dorm who has been given abortion-inducing pills by the Party official she’s been involved with. Then, in a fitting postscript to this episode, another dorm resident is hauled away as the transgressor.'

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Trying to replace a classic masterpiece about mind manipulation with a book that embodies exercising mental gymnastics to the goal of creating an absolutist state is the essence of irony.

Feminism as it has evolved ultimately seeks the destruction of anything masculine, including men themselves. Feminists openly discuss this as a goal without fear of reprisal ("cancellation") while men are scared to criticize any kind of feminine excesses or pathologies for fear of just that. In order to meet their goal of a female utopia they need to gain control of the machinery of state then use advanced scientifically-fuelled interventions (to be invented later) to reach their goals which include reducing the male pop'n to 10 percent (assuming science hasn't found a way to create artificial male gametes by then) and installing laws which utterly subjugate the remaining men.

1984? Yep.

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As a further comment I speculate the feminist program may be thwarted by the spread of Islam. One doesn't need to have a PhD in Religious Studies to see how women as a class fare under Islam. It's also the only religion that not only sustains itself but grows from reproduction. Demographics is as they say, destiny. Feminists (ie, most western women) are notorious for not reproducing while Muslims typically have families with as many kids as they can afford. Assuming WWIII doesn't resolve the issue, there's a chance that the western world will eventually be successfully colonized by Islamic society. Should that day come, the Feminist Agenda will certainly be thwarted. But all this is conjecture. For now, nuclear bombs keep large-scale warfare at bay and a re-run of the crusades and military invasion of Iberia by Muslim princes in the past. What things'll look like in 100 years, can't say. In any case I won't be around to see it.


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