Feminist now calls for violent men to act in face of Middle East troubles

One Zoe Strimpel with feminist bona fides now wants Western men to reclaim violence and act! Funny how feminist pacifism goes right out the door and admonishes men to act when Reality presses in. Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the good things about being a citizen of the West is that, since the last world war ended in 1945, most men’s survival has not been imperilled by the need to go and fight in massive wars.

We do not have to kiss goodbye to tens or hundreds of thousands of beloved sons, friends, fathers or brothers. We have a professional army, are accustomed to relatively small casualty numbers when that army does go into combat, and, bar periodic terror attacks, we are generally able to get on with the business of living miserably or prosperously – but living.

Less lovely is the corollary of this comfort: the moral decrepitude and cowardice that has sunk deep into our psyches. We are too narcissistic and bored, too cossetted and ill-focussed to be collectively courageous – or warlike. This has been devastating for the trajectory of the whole world in general and catastrophic for the safety, security and prosperity of the West.'

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